I would like to start off by saying that I voted for Obama in 2008. I was, at the time, a 22 year old student at the University of Central Florida where I was studying toward my bachelors in Business Administration. I felt that I was witnessing history. I would be able to tell my children and my grandchildren that I voted for not only the greatest President in US history... I was born into a generation that would erase the racial gap that was created in the 60's by giving me the opportunity to be able to vote for the first black president.
Four years later I realize that my mind had been kidnapped, tied up and left in a closet by my heart and my emotions. I was constantly being force fed in my college classes that Obama was the answer and we would have a multitude of jobs awaiting us once we finished school. There are no jobs. The company I work for has recently laid off 80% of it's workforce. The president /CEO of our company has ceased to collect a paycheck and is currently paying the remaining employees out of his pocket every week. That president/CEO I just spoke of is the greatest man I have ever known... He is my father. My father has worked tirelessly his entire life, since he was 10, to be able to give me a good life and retire so he may enjoy the rest of his life. He turns 66 today and over the last 4 years has had to put over $2,000,000 of his own money; retirement, investments, multiple mortgages, refinance, etc... just to keep the doors open. Not only is the manufacturing slow down hurting him, now he has to worry about healthcare costs that will soon be too high to handle. He currently pays for 80% of his employees health insurance. How can he continue to pay for that when the costs are going to rise exponentially. Again, my father has worked since he was 10 years old to be able to get to where he is today and do you know how much money, assistance or tax breaks he has received from the government along the way... ZERO. That is why it made me sick to hear our President, the President of these United States, state that he didn't build that. HE DIDN'T BUILD THAT?!?!?!?! You are damn right he did! We have a president who has never worked in the public sector. He has no understanding of how a business is run.
All he has done for 4 years is blame President Bush. I will say that I do not think Bush was the greatest President we ever had either, but he did a fine job of protecting our nation after 9/11 and treated our troops with a great deal of respect and for that I will always be thankful. But there comes a time when Obama cannot blame Bush anymore. Obama has spent almost twice what Bush did, and Obama did that in 4 years compared to 8 for Bush. What Bush spent, he spent because of 2 wars and a country's failing economy. Obama has ended one of those wars but has replaced any positive change in the deficit by adding a healthcare bill that will cost us many trillions more. He is not fiscally responsible and that is the most dangerous thing that our country faces today.
Please people...open your eyes and do your own research. Don't listen to MSNBC, CNN, ABC or Fox News for that matter... watch speeches, read transcripts, learn about your candidates and make up your own minds. I believe that once you do that you will see the truth as I recently did and vote out President Obama in the election in November.
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