Friday, April 29, 2011

Mayans, Nostradamus, the Bible and....R.E.M.?????

Ever since all of these major natural disasters have been happening, starting back with the 00' earthquake in India that killed 19,700 people, the song  "It's the end of the world as we know it" by R.E.M. has been replaying in my mind over and over. It's it almost dizzying. Think about it...

Indian Earthquake kills 19,700

European Heatwave kills 35,000
Iran Earthquake kills 43,000

Hurricane season kills over 3,000
Asian Tsunami kills 275,000

Hurricane Katrina Kills 1,800
Pakistan Earthquake kills 75,000 

Burma Cyclone Kills 146,000
China Earthquake kills 70,000

Global Swine Flu kills 11,800

Haiti Earthquake kills >316,000
H5N1 (Bird Flu) kills >300 since 2003 outbreak
Japan Quake/Tsunami kills >13,000
South Eastern Tornados kills >300  

Do the the last decade, natural disasters have killed just over 1,000,000 people. 
      How can you see all of that and not think of the R.E.M.'s prophetical tune? 

      Maybe the Mayans are right. They predicted that the world will end in 2012 and with all of these disasters happening all of a sudden, they could be right. 
      I personally do not believe that the world will end in 2012 because, DAMMIT I HAVE NOT LIVED MY LIFE YET AND I AM NOT DONE! I feel like a kid who doesn't want to share his new toy. My life is my new toy and I haven't worn it out yet. 
     It does get one wondering though that if the world was going to end and we knew it, how would you spend your last year on earth? I cannot answer that because I don't want to know when I am going to die. If you have seen the movie "Big Fish" you will understand that I do not want to look in the witch's eye and see how I die. I want to not fear death so when death arrives at my door and knocks,he will get no reply and will only find a note saying "Gone Fishing". 
    Is the end here?... who knows...but all I do know is that I am having one hell of a time he knows where to find me on 12/21/12. I will be having one Hell of an end of the world party while jamming out to R.E.M. and enjoying my life, and if death arrives at my door at least I can greet him with a beer. "IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT, AND I FEEL FINE". 
         Sweet Dreams, 

1 comment:

  1. The Mayans are wrong. I have a calendar on my fridge with little kittens on it that says the world is supposed to end on December 31st 2011... It must be true - I checked - there are no more days on it past that...
