Tuesday, April 30, 2013


The screaming...the pain... the death... these adjectives are not new to the American people. This country has long been surrounded by pain. From the Revolutionary War, to Slavery, to the Civil War and all the wars that followed thereafter. September 11th 2001 is the day that War was brought to the shores of the U.S. for the first time since Pearl Harbor, and to this day it has still not yet left. 9/11/01 is a date that will never be forgotten and will always be remembered as a day of pain and terror. Brave Americans fought to stay alive when all odds were against them. Islamic Terrorists were on a mission from Allah to destroy all infidels while waging their Holy War on the West. 

      This terror was brought to the American people on another level on November 5th, 2009 when a member of the US military, Major Nidal Hasan, shot and killed 14 people and injured 30 on the base in Texas. Major Hasan was a practicing Muslim who was radicalized after the passing of his parents at the turn of the century. This was covered up by the Obama administration and framed as workplace violence... NOT a Terrorist Attack. Then, in 2012, another Terrorist attack took the lives of four brave and selfless Americans in Benghazi, Libya. This attack was initially framed around a lie and that lie is still being force fed to the American people to this day. On Monday April 15th, 2013 yet another act of Terror took part in Boston, MA at the finish line to the long running Boston Marathon. This devilish act resulted in over 200 Americans injured (Many losing one or more limbs) and 3 dead. From the moment this attack was committed, the lies began to spill out of the government again. These are just three of the most recent cases where we have been attacked by Islamic Jihadists, where Americans were killed, where the American people were mislead about the origins and links between Muslim Extremists and dead Americans. I am not an insider, I do not have anymore information at my disposal than any of you do, but I do think for myself and question what this administration is doing because there are way too many holes in their stories about these three events.

       After 9/11/01 it took us a long time to get our lives back together... but we did (for the most part). We started to fly again, go to big cities again and try to push that pain to the back of our minds. All of that comfort was erased on November 5th, 2009 when a Major with the US Army, Major Nidal Hasan, went on a rampage at Fort Hood in Texas. In all he shot 43 people; killing 14 and injuring 30. The math does not add up because Private Francheska Velez, one of the slain soldiers, was pregnant at the time of the shooting and the baby was killed also. I consider that a life lost in this event. During the shooting, from eyewitness reports, Major Hasan was screaming "Allah Akbar", a saying commonly used by Muslim Terrorists when committing attacks (this phrase was also overheard over the radio from the plans used during the 9/11/01 attacks on NYC and Washington DC). Since the Attack, it has come out that Major Hasan had prior communications with Anwar Al-Awlaki, an American Born Muslim Terrorist who worked directly with al-Qaeda. Even though all of the evidence pointed to this being a Terrorist Attack, and many Democratic Congressmen said it was that, President Obama defined this as a case of Workplace Violence. WHAT?! What many people don't know is because it was defined as that, the families of the people lost did not receive any medals or assistance as they would have if it would have been from "battle". The soldiers who were injured were not awarded any medals, even Purple Hearts, and also did not receive any assistance or other awards. This is the biggest slap in the face of the brave men and women who defend us, not only overseas but also inside our boarders. Sadly, this was the first of many cases where the Obama administration has slandered and lied to the American people in an attempt to not tie Muslims/Islamic with the word "Terrorist".           

         It is 3:40pm EST and I am counting down the minutes until I am released from my cage, ie Office, after the most stressful of days. I had to sit in an air conditioned office, speak to customers and do A LOT of typing. God, my fingers were tired. It was one of those days where all I could think about was going home, sitting on my nice cushioned couch and watch some TV while drinking a cold beer. Feel bad for me yet? In reality, while I was bitching about my "Hard" day all Hell was breaking lose in a place some 6000 miles away. The local time is 9:40pm and a small group of Americans, including Libyan Ambassador Christopher Stevens, were being pinned down as over 150 Islamic Terrorists shot at and set off explosives in or near the U.S. Embassy. Their mission... Kill Americans at all costs. The Terrorists were shouting "Allah Akbar" as they pressed deeper and deeper into the relatively small compound, only 300 yards wide by 100 yards deep, shooting all they saw. The Jihadists were equipped with automatic rifles, RPGs, Grenades, truck mounted Anti-Aircraft guns and mortars. Through all of the chaos, phone calls were made and emails were sent requesting help. Direct phone calls from Ambassador Stevens were ignored by government higher ups, all other requests were denied. As these Americans were under siege, our government ignored their cries. Finally, a small group of Navy Seals lead by Senior Chief Petty Officer and Former SEAL Tyrone Woods, answered those calls for help against orders by the U.S. Government. In the Battle for Benghazi Woods along with SEAL Glen Doherty, Information Management Officer Sean Smith and Ambassador Chris Stevens lost their lives. This was the first time since 1979 that an American Ambassador was assassinated. On September 12th, 2012 President Obama gave a speech in the Rose Garden at the White House where he discussed the incident. At no time in the speech did he refer to this as a Terrorist Attack. In the days and weeks to follow, the Obama Administration began to say that the attack was actually a "Spontaneous Protest" to a anti-Islamic video posted on Youtube.com. This was not only stated by President Obama, it was echoed by his Press Secretary (Jay Carney), UN Ambassador (Susan Rice), Secretary of State (Hillary Clinton) and many other high up Obama Administration Officials. These were ALL lies! This was NEVER about a movie. Reports have now come out declaring that it was a peaceful night until the gunfire started. There were no protests AT ALL. It was a deliberate Terror Attack brought on by Islamic Extremists. To this day the lies keep coming. When Secretary of State Hillary Clinton testified before Congress she stated she had heard of no requests for an increase in security before the attack happened. Upon further research, they have found that she was requested, weeks before the attack, to provide additional security as tensions were high in that region. They were ignored, and because they were ignored people died. Good Americans who gave up their comforts at home died for no reason. Madam Secretay (ret)... IT DOES MATTER! 

         The Boston Marathon is something runners from all over the world train for long periods of time before even attempting, some training all their lives. The race marks a day that is important in American history, commemorating the start of the Revolutionary War (Patriots Day). It is a day of remembrance and of new beginnings. At 2:49pm, as families and friends crowded around the finish line of this 26 mile race to see their loved ones finish a lifelong journey, two explosions erupted instantly killing 3 people and injuring over 200. This act of Terrorism was seen worldwide as there were TV cameras rolling when the bombs exploded. Early reports of heroic people rushing into the bloody mess of bodies and blood and even some body parts showed us that even in our darkest times Americans still stand as one. As I watched the news, when I got home from work, I was flipping through multiple News stations to see what information was coming in. It caught my attention to hear from an anchor on MSNBC that they said this was probably some "Right Wing Nut Job"  or "Tea Party Member". Are you serious??? What evidence did they have to even begin to speculate on that point? That night, when President Obama spoke, he again did not use the word "Terrorist". Why is he so afraid to call a spade a spade? The word doesn't only mean Islamic/Muslim Terrorist... it means someone who creates Terror. As the days followed different reports came out that were all over the place. That day, the FBI reported they had a Saudi National in custody as a "Suspect". They were on guard outside his room at the hospital, as he was injured in the explosions. Who is this Saudi? Very quickly the Police downgraded this Suspect to a POI (Person of Interest) and then soon after claimed he had no connection. More on him to come later. Finally on Thursday night, around 5:00pm, the FBI held a press conference where they released images of the two different Suspects. That night the two men were identified and involved in police chase where they were throwing more explosives at the police while shooting at them This resulted in the shooting death of Officer Sean Collier. Soon the older suspect identified as Tamerlan Tsarnaeva (29) was killed in a shootout, and his accomplice his younger brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaeva (19) escaped police. A citywide manhunt then ensued for Dzhokhar who had escaped a shootout that left his older brother dead. During this time more information began to come out about these Chechen born brothers as Youtube.com pages were found for both of them that had multiple videos regarding al-Qaeda and Anti-American views. Dzhokhar also had a Facebook page where he showed his religion as Islam and where he discussed his faith. These are truths that the Obama Administration have yet to admit to. More started to also come out about the bombs and how they were constructed. These Terrorists used pressure cookers hardwired with circuit boards and potentially cell phone triggers. This is the exact MO for the IEDs used in Iraq, Afghanistan and other al-Qaeda run regions of the world. All signs point to al-Qaeda training... so why won't Obama admit to this? Why wont he say Muslim Extremists?  Now we have caught the younger brother after another shootout. He is finally in custody, Alive, and we begin to question him. The FBI is suppose to have 40 hours of questioning before they would be forced to read him his Miranda Rights or treat him as an enemy combatant. After only 26 hours a Judge arrives and without notice reads him his rights. From that moment on he became silent. Now, Back to this Saudi... it has since come out that he is actually on the DHS Watch List and is classified as a 212 3(b), which is the highest inter-agency rating an individual can be given due to concrete evidence of direct involvement in Terrorist activities. If this is so, why did Michelle Obama visit this Saudi at the hospital in the days following this bombing? At that time he was on this Terror watch list as a 212 3(b). Now all of a sudden this Saudi is going to be deported without cause? DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano has lied through her teeth on this by claiming she did not know of him being deported to saying it was a DIFFERENT Saudi with the exact same name her on the exact same student visa being deported. This has more holes than Swiss Cheese. When are we going to start hearing the truth from this Administration and when are they going to start protecting us? Do they even want to? All I know is that we are in danger. In danger of losing our freedoms, our liberties and our sense of unity. We are being torn apart by a tag team... al-Qaeda and our own government. We are losing. We are having our liberties slowly taken away from us to "Make us Safer". We don't "NEED" guns because we have the government protecting us. How so? We have lost too many under this administration.

Sweet Dreams, 