Thursday, October 30, 2014

Obola... The Gift That Keeps Giving

Obviously, you all know I can't fucking stand Mr. Hussein Obama and I truly think he is/has been taking us down a path of destruction, but what he has just done and is contemplating doing will begin to wipe a vast number of American's off the face of the earth very quickly.

   If you stay current with the news; read a paper, watch TV or listen to the radio on the way to work in the morning, you have heard about Ebola Virus outbreak that has thrown West Africa into turmoil. It has a 70% kill rate and there is no known vaccine yet created (although there are some treatments that have been shown to work). When all of this started, it was not even on Obama's radar. A couple hundred people started dying and it began spreading among West African countries and where was our leader... on the 18th hole imagining he was Tiger Woods putting for a birdie to win the 2008 US Open. Next the number of dead reached over 1000 and Obama did what he does best... he gave a speech. He stated that "In the unlikely event that someone with Ebola does reach our shores". Mr. Obama... you have been proven time and time again that you are full of shit. Ebola HAS reached our shores and HAS infected 4 US citizens to date. You might say "4 People... that's not a worry", but you would be DEAD wrong to say that. One of those cases is in New York City, one of the most densely populated cities in the world. That doctor knew came back to the US from helping Ebola victims in Africa and told the CDC he would "Self Quarantine"... HE LIED! Upon looking through his credit card transactions they found that he had taken multiple subways, went bowling, took an Uber taxi and ate at a sandwich shop ALL while he had the Virus in his body and was showing some symptoms. Can you even contemplate how many people he came into contact with? 5,000...10,000...20,000?!? And what about those people and the people they have had contact with? You look at the numbers and if even a small percent of those people contracted it, by the time they realized it (Remember: 21 day incubation period) they may have infected a handful more and so on. With a high morbidity rate and an even higher MORTALITY rate (70%), that could mean 1,000's or 10,000's dead in a short period of time. New York City is also a international hub for air travel and could the perfect Petri Dish to allow the greatest number of those exposed which will then allow the virus to mutate to allow airborne transmission. If that happens... say goodbye to MILLIONS. 

   The Black Plague... one of the deadliest plagues to EVER hit the world. It was devastating Europe in the mid 1300's. By the time it was through, it had killed as many as 200 MILLION people. That's right, 200,000,000 people! You know what the mortality rate of that apocalyptic disease was... 72%. Only 2% greater than that of the Ebola Virus. The Black Plague started small with fleas and as it grew, and people couldn't bury the bodies quick enough, it began to spread like a wildfire. Sound familiar to what is occurring in West Africa? It should. People are dropping like flies in countries like Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea and Nigeria. There have been documented cases in Spain, UK and now America. 

   "In the unlikely event that someone with Ebola does reach our shores"... It's here, what now Mr. President? What do you think of when you hear about the CDC (and don't say season 2 of The Walking Dead)? Before this outbreak, I thought what most people thought; "This is the CD-Muthafukin-C"... "They are Orkin Men on steroids"... "They kill whatever comes along and can do no wrong". Well, they have kinda sucked through this. The first person in the history of the world EVER to have Ebola in the US was brought here byyyy... the CDC. What?!? BUT WAIT... THERE'S MORE! The SECOND person in the history of the world to EVER have Ebola in the US was, you guessed it, brought here byyyy... the CDC. You would think with how dangerous this is and how popular the US is to travel to we would shut down air travel from West African countries... NOPE! The CDC hasn't done SHIT to slow the flow of West Africans into the US.

   WAKE UP PEOPLE! We are watching the very thin fabric that holds us together tear one thread at a time. When the last thread breaks, it will give Obama his final excuse to do what he has wanted to do all along... MARTIAL LAW. HIS military has been training for it in OUR cities. HE has been FIRING high ranking military officers because they tell him they will not EVER fire on US citizens. He wants his 3rd, 4th, 5th term so he can proclaim to the world, as Leo did in Titanic, "I'M KING OF THE WORLD!". 

   I will pray that your Libtard neighbors, family members and friends wake up before they are unable to. The face of the country and the world is going to be drastically changed if those who are suppose to protect us don't get off their asses and do something. 

Sweet Dreams, 

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