Monday, November 3, 2014

The Forgotten Dream

 "When we allow FREEDOM to ring- When we let it ring from every city and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last, free at last, Great God a-mighty, we are free at last".
   -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.- ("I Have a Dream" speech, circa 1963)

    Dr. Martin Luther King was a TRUE leader. He lead his people, black America, out of segregation, discrimination, lynchings, beatings, burned black churches and murdered black children with his peaceful actions and his genuine words. He saw his people endure the most horrible things any man, women or child should EVER experience on this earth. He saw young black men lifelessly swing from a noose of white hatred and never sought out murderous retribution. He saw devilish/corrupt white police officers beat, rape and burn young black women and never aimed or fired a bullet in their direction. He saw churches, full of little black, AND WHITE, children burned to the ground, hearing the screams of agony over the crackling of the burning embers, and never planted a bomb or threatened another man's family in retaliation. His weapon was his pen... his target, a sheet of paper.. and the blood, replaced by ink. His bullets were words like "Dream", "Freedom", "Equal" and "God". His mission... replace the hatred, bigotry and terror with HOPE, FAITH, UNITY & CHANGE. He knew, with a passion as hot as the fires of Hell, that the only way this country would begin to heal would be through peaceful action and strength in numbers. We were on the path to his dream... sadly, we have taken a U-turn and have fallen back into the division that tainted an entire generation of Americans. 

   Since Dr. King's speech, there have been many that wanted to be like him, but for the wrong reasons. Most have sought out financial gain, TV time and book deals. Forgetting the struggles that many still face, they only seek to build their net worth while leaving their communities behind. All of them will constantly quote, emulate and resurrect the general verbiage of Dr. King, but NONE will push themselves to stay true to the values Dr. King so bravely DIED defending. Some of the biggest and most recognizable symbols of this false movement are Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton. These men work in the same way a "news" organization like the "National Enquirer" works... they take an generic news story that involves both a black and white person (usually men) and they start to mold their storyline of what TRULY happened into it, around it and off of it until that clay starts to resemble a KKK hood, a burning cross or a burning church. They then try to interject themselves into that community, that story and that family and begin to feed the Mainstream Media a story of hardship, racism and HATE. This being America, the liberal Mainstream Media devours this story and begins to INSTANTLY make assumptions (usually against the white person in the story). Then, as things start dying down and the Attention Deficit Disorder viewers start to lose focus, Sharpton and Jackson disappear like a thief in the night and move onto the next sculpture. 

    In 2008, the country was ready for change as it was in 1963 when Dr. King gave his speech. We were ready for a black leader that would actually lead ALL of America in the right direction. That is when Senator Barack Obama began his journey to the highest political office in the world... President of the United States of America. He really hit the ground running and was someone that most Americans (as shown by his very high favorability ratings as a candidate) saw as a new kind of leader. He ran on the spirit of Dr. King's Dream. He used words like "HOPE", "FAITH", "UNITY" & "CHANGE". Some even became his slogan words/phrases. He said "HOPE for a better day" in his 2008 Primary election victory. He repeatedly referred to his FAITH on multiple occasions. He stood tall on his view of UNITY by saying "...there's not a liberal America and a conservative America; there's the United States of America.There's not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there's the United States of America..." going on to say "...We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America." and by also using the phrase "Yes WE Can" as his main political slogan. He, lastly, continuously repeated the word CHANGE during every speech he gave. He, as an intellectual/longtime student, took the "power" words from Dr. King and molded them into his speeches. The only problem with emulating a man like Dr. King, is you MUST adhere to those values to a T because it will be very easy to quickly figure out your ulterior motives. This was evident with newly elected, President Obama.

   It became very clear, soon after Barack Obama was elected President, that race was a very important issue with him. He was even sworn in as President on President Lincoln's Bible.Here are some snippets from his book, "Dreams of my Father",  that exemplify his obsession with race:

  • "I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites."
  • "I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race."
  • "There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white."

  • "It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names."
  • "I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela."

   Barack also mentions race, color of skin and creed in a large portion of his speeches he has given (Before and During his Presidency). Since he has become President, we have had a few incidences of racial/civil unrest due to the aforementioned Reverends, Sharpton and Jackson, interjecting themselves into an issue that had nothing to do with them. 

   On February 26th, 2012 a young Black man, Trayvon Martin, was shot and killed during an altercation with a Latino man, George Zimmerman. Before the facts had been released and, sadly, before the body had even fallen cold, Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson were already shouting about racism. Their media avenues, MSNBC and CNN, jumped quickly on board and began the speculation train. Now, please remember... I DID say Mr. Zimmerman was a LATINO, correct? YES. Well... the media began spinning this as a WHITE on BLACK murder to increase their ratings. This story began to spread like a wildfire that had just been soaked with gasoline. In March, in his very FIRST remarks regarding this wildly overblown story, President Obama made a very personal and unscripted remark that began the media frenzy yet again saying "...If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon...". This remark was fueling the racial overtones of the media's plot. This remark was made as an opening for him to interject his racial beliefs on the American people in a time that we needed unity... not division. Through the months leading up to the trial, as people became more and divided, Obama was silent. He made his remark and slithered into the underbrush and watched the blood from racial feuds, yet again, drip on this already tainted soil. He did so with the mentality of an arson who stands around to watch the home he set ablaze burn to the ground. "The Hoodie", what Trayvon Martin was wearing when he was shot, quickly became the symbol of White on Black racism. People claimed that he was profiled as a thug because he was wearing "The Hoodie". Crowds gathered in cities all over the nation as people shouted "Justice for Trayvon" while they wore their Hoodies. Black celebrities began to weigh in on the shooting and just kept flaming the fire of hatred. From the public outcry, fed by the racial speeches, came the charge of second degree murder on Mr. Zimmerman. After a very long trial, filled with the prosecution repeatedly mentioning race, a jury found George Zimmerman NOT guilty on ALL counts. This is when the trouble began. I live in Central Florida, just 40 minutes from Sanford (where the shooting took place) and I was scared for my life. As soon as the verdict was read, I heard reports of riots, shootings, fires, etc... I was fearful of leaving my home from all the treats I was seeing pop up on social media and news. The "New Black Panthers" placed a bounty on George Zimmerman's head (Dead or Alive) and made no qualms with stating that they wanted to eliminate ALL white people. It took a long time for that fire burn itself out, but just as it did... another "racial" incident slowly tightened that noose back around the nation's throat. 

    Racial uproars started again on August 9th, 2014 when a police officer, Officer Darren Wilson of Ferguson MO Police Department, shot and killed a strong arm robbery suspect, Michael "Mike" Brown. Little was known at the time of the shooting other than a white officer had shot and killed a young black man. The media began to drool over this story. Their eyes turned blood red and their fangs grew as if they were vampires. ANOTHER dead black "kid". They saw the ratings boost when Trayvon was shot... they wanted more. Just as in the Trayvon Martin case, the media began to IMMEDIATELY speculate and take unverified accounts of the shooting as gospel. The one thing that they grabbed on to the quickest was the account of Mike Brown's friend who was with him during the robbery and then the shooting. He stated that Mike had his hands UP at the time of the shooting and he was "surrendering".  If this was the truth, this officer should be hanged by the court of law, but if it wasn't and it was a lie...  then he would most surely be hanged by the court of public opinion. Days later, the riots began. The thugs of Ferguson took to the streets at night, hunting down their prey like animals. One of there first targets... a convenience store. They broke the windows, looted goods (mostly alcohol and cigarettes) and then, when they had completely gutted the place, they burned it to the ground. They moved on to the next store, next gas station, next restaurant and repeated this same sadistic process. Once they had their fill of booze and smokes, they then moved onto throwing Molotov Cocktails, rocks, urine filled bottles and even shot at police. Night after night, the chanting rang out; "No Justice, No Peace", "Justice for Mike","Hands Up, Don't Shoot". These became the new chants of racial oppression. The court of black public opinion had their verdict and they wanted  Officer Wilson's blood. Once again, without knowing all of the facts, the media had created a racial hell-fire that was scolding hot. Once again, just as he did during the Trayvon Martin case, President Obama had to stick his racist nose into it. He first did this by ordering Attorney General Eric Holder to open an investigation into this case and determine if this was a hate crime. HATE CRIME?! Shouldn't they have at least let the local police investigation conclude before they rush to judgement? Eric Holder, the highest ranking Attorney the country has, should have had made a better judgement call. While this investigation was going on, the civil unrest grew to a boiling point and police started using tear gas, rubber bullets and flash bangs to try and break up the mob mentality. This only gave the thugs in this community more fodder to feed their flocks of chickens. Once again, our dear ruler had to stick his nose into it during a press briefing when he repeated that the death of Mike Brown was "Heartbreaking and tragic" and went on to say "There’s also no excuse for police to use excessive force against peaceful protests or to throw protesters in jail for lawfully exercising their First Amendment rights". He went on to use the word "Bully" on multiple points throughout his speech in reference to the police. This, being said from a black President, during a time when the police needed help from thuggish black RIOTERS... this did not help. Al Sharpton snaked his way into Mike Brown's family circle and began to hold rally's and speak out for them. He wants desperately to be as important to the black community as Dr. King, but he is doing the exact opposite of what Dr. King would have wanted. Dr. King would have been embarrassed by the violent riots, the burning down of ones city spots and the utter civil disobedience before an investigation has even been concluded. Dr. King was a man of reason and a man of God... both allowing him to make level headed decisions that he felt would honor his cause without smearing salt into a deep wound. He was the stitch to mend that wound 40+ years ago. He would weave in and out of both sides... ultimately bringing both sides together to allow the healing to begin . Slowly closing that wound and assuring the blood would stop flowing. He had seen enough blood and he wanted CHANGE. Just when the wound was beginning to heal from Dr. Kings stitches, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson took a scalpel and began to cut a new wound... a deeper wound... a wound that was cut along an artery with the hopes that the bleeding would never stop. 

   I weep for Dr. King and his legacy. I weep for the generation of young black men and women that don't have the opportunity to grow up in the nation that Dr. King had dreamt. An entire generation whose heroes are Lil' Wayne and Kanye West instead of Rosa Parks and Dr. King. A generation that understood that MLK Day is not just a day off of work or school, but a day to remember the 20th century's great emancipator. I don't know when it happened, or why... the black community needs to save themselves. They need to push education, lead their children to God and explain that they should not seek to grow up to be an NFL player, a Rapper or a Gangsta but grow up to be doctors, lawyers or businessmen/women. The Democrats are only looking to control the black community for votes. They will offer them free phones, free housing, free internet, free cars, money and tax breaks but then warn them that all of that will disappear if they vote for Republicans. They only see free and forget what that word really means... FREE. A word fought so hard for. A word that many a man, woman and child have died for. The black community was on their way to FREE when Dr. King had his dream, now... that dream has turned to a nightmare. If these people would just wake up and see that free things are great but being FREE is so much better. Being FREE to move out of the crime ridden neighborhoods and into a safe, gang free environment to raise children. Being FREE to exit a failing school district and move to an A+ rated school thus allowing their children to exceed above any of their wildest dreams. Until the black community wakes up, opens their eyes and understands that they are pawns to the Democratic agenda they will be stuck in this vicious cycle of raising one failing generation after another... stricken with gangs, drugs, illiteracy and high illegitimate birthrates. Until these kids stop growing up in single parent households (where one parent is either dead or in jail) in gang neighbohoods (where you are either forced to join or die) and going to school in F rated schools they will never escape and never live up to Dr. King's dream. 

We’ve been in the mountain of war. We’ve been in the mountain of violence. We’ve been in the mountain of hatred long enough. It is necessary to move on now, but only by moving out of this mountain can we move to the promised land of justice and brotherhood and the Kingdom of God. It all boils down to the fact that we must never allow ourselves to become satisfied with unattained goals. We must always maintain a kind of divine discontent.”

-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.-
Sermon at Temple Israel of Hollywood in June 1965 

Sweet Dreams, Dr. King. I pray your dream will someday meet your expectations. 